QFL Nation is one step closer to moving off the shitty A.S.S. platform with the announcement by ESPN that they have released a new Free Agent Auction Bidding feature for their custom league subscribers. From ESPN.

Free Agent Auction Bidding: A new option for 2010 if selected teams will have a specific budget with which they can make player acquisitions during the season, and all acquisitions will be processed in batches one or more times each week. If a team would like to add a player, that team will secretly bid a certain amount. On the next waiver process day, the team with the highest amount bided will be awarded the player, and the bid will be subtracted from that team’s budget.

Unfortunately, this new feature won’t help QFL this year (there is no seperate waiver claim process and its unclear if they track player salarys) but it’s encouraging that ESPN has made an advancement in this area. It means there is hope.

Rishi has been pushing a move to the free service Fantrax for the last two years, but it remains to be seen if they can handle our free agent bidding process (although they claim they can, it was just highly confusing).

It’s insane that the only thing tying us down to A.S.S. is the “evaluator”, but for another season at least it seems we are stuck.

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