No one knows who won the last SuperQuince. Nor for that matter, how many QFL Colony League’s there are. The League from which the last known SuperQuince winner emerged, QFL Quattro, hasn’t been heard from in months.

Someone should start paying attention to these things because my team put up 114 pts. last week and has been runner-up in 3 of the last 6 SuperQuince’s. Yeah. Important.

At this stage in the record keeping Deuce’s Fantasy Enemy won the prestigious 12th Annual award in 2017. Please step forward with additional information if you have any.

Current 2017 SuperQuince Standings

LeagueTeamWeek 1Week 2Week 32017 Total
DeuceFantasy Enemy76.1993.7182.75252.65

Working on a 2018 update too.

SuperQuince Winners Circle

2017 Winner: ??
2016 Winner: Package Diehl (QFL4) runner-up TenQ (QFL)
2015 Winner: Quickly Eliminated (QFL3)
2014 Winner: Deep Fried Turduckins (QFL2)
2013 Winner: Vote Quimby (QFL3) runner-up TenQ (QFL)
2012 Winner: Revenge of Cox (QFL3) runner-up TenQ (QFL)
2011 Winner: FahQ (QFL)
2010 Winner: Rushing Russians (QFL3)
2009 Winner: Deep Fried Turds (QFL2)
2008 Winner: Qutane (QFL3)
2007 Winner: Dead Money (QFL3)
2006 Winner: Unknown (QFL2)

2 thoughts on “Who Won #SuperQuince 2017?”
  1. FWIW,QFL 3 has a championship game of Vote Quimby at 168.61 vs Baltimorons at 142.16 in 2018

    I’ll get you our 2017 for the Rushing Russians

  2. Rushing Russians came through with a whopping 195.82 in winning QFL 3 in 2017, but they did rig an election so there’s that.

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